The Juggling Act. You’re familiar with it. Anyone with a pulse understands what it feels like to be overwhelmed and incapable of completing anything close to what they think they wanted originally. We usually don’t recognize what’s happening until we’re running in quicksand, snapping at those around us, and exercising a modest level of road rage. In the Real Estate industry, it’s usually incited by a constant barrage of new apps, tools, techniques, and initiatives designed to make you better than you are now, or your money back!!! Guaranteed!!! 

This manifests itself in an endless stream of emails, phone calls, and endorsements of new products, services, and loan programs designed to keep you ahead of the competition. What they really do is take you out of your game and slow you down. The order of every day is “do this” “don’t do that” “try to be more like this”. If these recommendations already match your own personal makeup, then great! If not, then so what? Do it anyway! Everybody else is! Over time, this steady diet of noise continues until you let go, cut corners, and start “mailing it in”. This is typically evidenced by an overall lackluster job performance or even a simple lack of enthusiasm and follow-up. At what point do we draw the line? 

It becomes a question of where to place your committed focus in the form of Attention, Time & Purpose. Independent of whatever the hell some guru thinks. 

This is where the conversation usually diverges into how 87% of new agents fail in their first 4 years in the business and then draws a line in the sand between “success” and “failure.” That’s not what I’m after here. I’m more interested in drawing the differences between what this success looks like to the audience, and what it feels like to the agent.  

Until we get there, what’s so bad about failing? Most of the time failure is entirely necessary to every part of us, except our egos. Sometimes we may be simply heading down a path that diverts us from what could be undiscovered callings. And sometimes “success” works against us by somehow rewarding our missteps and shit-luck, as we “Forrest Gump” our way through another misguided scheme. How ‘bout falling flat on your face in pursuit of a goal or project that truly calls to you? Now that’s the kind of failure I’m into. Is that a “win” or a “loss”? 

Whatever it is to you, I believe we can all acknowledge on some level, the more worthy pursuit lies within our hidden awareness to prioritize what we need the most, at specific points in time. It’s different for everyone, but deep down you know what yours is if you peel off a few more layers of defense. The message is not what you DO. Do whatever the hell calls to you. It’s all about HOW you do it, and WHO you’re listening to at these critical turning points that lead you to, or away from your truest identity, and open all kinds of new avenues.

What makes success so great anyway? Especially if it often comes at such a high price? I’m obviously not referring to good old-fashioned hard work. That goes without saying. Love of a specific type of game provides a wide enough berth to get around that one with your eyes closed. I’m talking about the loss of time and peak performance that comes from locating your wheelhouse of skills. Is it the money? Probably not, but for some, this is the sole motivation. Is it the achievement that matters most? A few more hands go up. Maybe it’s a certain job satisfaction? I believe we’re getting warmer. How ‘bout purpose, identity, or some form of deeper meaning? Now we’re cookin. 

What I’m really getting at here are goals, plans, and achievements that call to your soul. The kind of thoughts and ideas you couldn’t imagine not pursuing. Sound a little too California?? I hope so. (I may need to lower my CBD intake. Or THC, I’m not sure) CBD… THC… Whatever the case, if you don’t know the ABCs of what you’re willing to stomach on a daily basis, then that’s your assignment. Establish your boundaries first, then identify the times and places when there may be an opportunity to stretch them accordingly to take things to the next level.

If you’re looking to exit this faceless Matrix of time evaporation, you should probably come to the realization that less really is more when it’s placed in the proper context of FOCUS. For the purposes of this conversation, we don’t have any new destinations to get to, but rather our own individual identities to return to, that help us navigate forward. You already know who you are deep down. Does the person you see in the mirror align with the goals and aspirations that are being pushed upon them? If any of the manufactured endgames placed before you do not serve your stated mission, discard them and continue to simplify until you recognize yourself again. If you identify with what you see, then proceed. This is likely an opportunity to be truly consumed and engaged, rather than just “busy”. Keep this on the dashboard, find a lane, and continue driving. As you move forward, be on the lookout for the right opportunities to challenge and stretch this identity in ways that can allow you to truly grow on terms that serve the real you. Otherwise, if you wanna be an actor, go to Hollywood.    

-Buddy Kane 

Posted by Buddy Kane on


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